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This blog is to distribute jntu biotech prev papers ,GRE ,IELETS BOOKS to every one.if u want to give any suggestion..mail to vagdevi2k5@gmail.com...regards P.Vagdevi,B.I.E.T(Bharat Institue)

Saturday, November 22, 2008


SET :1
1. Give a latest account of the classification of plant kingdom. [16]
2. Explain one example of successful production and industrialization of a medicinal plant product through in vitro culture. [16]
3. Describe the adaptations of animals to aquatic life. [16]
4. Describe various fishery by products and their advantages and disadvantages? [16]
5. Explain the ELISA technique for detection of antibodies produced by experimental immunization. [16]
6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using cell culture. [16]
7. Write any two of the following:
(a) Morphological characters of micro organisms.
(b) Microbial bio diversity
(c) Microbial ecology. [8+8]
8. What are biopesticides and the micro organisms used as bio pesticides. Add a note on advantages and disadvantages of biopesticides. [16]
SET :2
1. Discuss the reproductive features of gymnosperms. [16]
2. Explain the importance of neutraceuticals obtained from plants. [16]
3. Describe the adaptations of animals to aquatic life. [16]
4. Write an essay on aquaculture. [16]
5. Explain the ELISA technique for detection of antibodies produced by experimental immunization. [16]
6. Describe vaccine production using r DNA technology. [16]
7. Write any two of the following:
(a) Nutrition in micro organisms
(b) Locomotion in micro organisms
(c) Reproduction in micro organisms [8+8]
8. What are microbial enzymes? Describe in detail industrially produced enzymes and their applications. [16]
SET :3
1. Describe the characteristics of living organisms and explain their classification. [16]
2. Describe the economic importance of medicinal plants. [16]
3. Describe the adaptations of animals to aquatic life. [16]
4. What are the fouling organisms? Describe the significance of fouling organisms in fishery. [16]
5. Explain the ELISA technique for detection of antibodies produced by experimentalimmunization. [16]
6. What is gene therapy? Explain the various types of gene therapy. [16]
7. Describe the general characters of bacteria and explain the useful and harmful effects of bacteria. [16]
8. Give a detailed account on microbial production of plastics. [16]
SET :4
1. Explain the vegetative (gametophyte) structure of any one member of Bryophyta. [16]
2. Describe briefly the responses and adaptations of plants to metal stress. [16]
3. Describe the adaptations of animals to aquatic life. [16]
4. Describe various fishery by products and their advantages and disadvantages? [16]
5. Explain the ELISA technique for detection of antibodies produced by experimental immunization. [16]
6. Define stem cells. What are the various types of stem cells. Explain the applications of stem cells to biotechnology. [16]
7. Write any two of the following:
(a) Nutrition in micro organisms
(b) Locomotion in micro organisms
(c) Reproduction in micro organisms [8+8]
8. Define bio sensor and describe the applications of biosensors. [16]

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