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Saturday, November 22, 2008

FUNDAMENTALS OF BIOLOGY Question Papers (Supple,2008)

SET :1
1. Write about: [2× 8 = 16]
(a) Bacterial locomotion
(b) Bacterial shapes
2. What is meant by “phytohormones”? Explain using examples. [16]
3. What is meant by energy flow in an ecosystem? [16]
4. Explain Hershey and Chase experiment to prove DNA as the genetic material. [16]
5. Explain the human body fluid compartments and describe the intracellular and extra cellular body fluids and their functions. [16]
6. Write short notes on:
(a) Structure of human eye
(b) Organs of corti
(c) Biological importance of olfaction
(d) Mechanism of Taste sensation. [4x4= 16]
7. Discuss some important historical milestones in development of molecular biotechnology. [16]
8. What is a monoclonal antibody? Explain how monoclonal antibodies are used for detection of viruses in plants, animals and human beings. [16]
SET :2
1. Briefly explain a typical prokaryotic cell characteristic. [16]
2. Explain the general structure and life cycle of Bryophytes. [16]
3. Discuss about the cycling of matter in an ecosystem. [16]
4. Describe what is meant by the term “Transcription” of DNA? [16]
5. Explain the ABO system and Rh system of human blood. [16]
6. Trance the pathway of sound vibrations from the external environment to the receptor cells in the spiran organ of the ear. [16]
7. Define biotechnology and explain the areas of interest in Biotechnology. [16]
8. Discuss the advantages and limitations of food produced from genetically modified crops. [16]SET :3
1. (a) Discuss the role of Viruses in vaccine preparation.
(b) What are viriods and prions? [2 × 8 = 16]
2. Discuss about the pests of Cotton plant. [16]
3. Write about the digeneric life cycle of the Malaria causing parasite. [16]
4. Explain Watson and Crick’s model of DNA. [16]
5. What are the various endocrine glands and their secretions? Explain the functions of these hormones. [16]
6. Explain in detail the structure and functions of neuron. [16]
7. Define biotechnology and explain the areas of interest in Biotechnology. [16]
8. Explain the technical and economic advantages in the use of microbial enzymes.[16]
SET :4
1. Give the general characteristics of Algae and highlight on their sexual reproduction. [16]
2. List out the differences between Angiosperms and Gymnosperm group of plants. [16]
3. Define species. What is meant by speciation? [16]
4. Briefly discuss the experiments, which prove that DNA is the genetic material.[16]
5. Explain in brief the organs and organ systems present in the human body and describe their major functions. [16]
6. Trance the pathway of sound vibrations from the external environment to the receptor cells in the spiran organ of the ear. [16]
7. Define biotechnology and explain the areas of interest in Biotechnology. [16]
8. Discuss the gene transfer in dicot and monocot plants. What are the applications of transgenic plants. [16]

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