Author(s): Chris R. Calladine, Horace Drew, Ben Luisi, Andrew Travers
Publisher: Academic Press; 3
editionDate : 2004
Pages : 352
Format : PDF
OCR : Yes
Quality :
Language : English
ISBN : 0121550893
The functional properties of any molecule are directly related to, and affected by, its structure. This is especially true for DNA, the molecular that carries the code for all life on earth.The third edition of Understanding DNA has been entirely revised and updated, and expanded to cover new advances in our understanding. It explains, step by step, how DNA forms specific structures, the nature of these structures and how they fundamentally affect the biological processes of transcription and replication.Written in a clear, concise and lively fashion, Understanding DNA is essential reading for all molecular biology, biochemistry and genetics students, to newcomers to the field from other areas such as chemistry or physics, and even for seasoned researchers, who really want to understand DNA.* Describes the basic units of DNA and how these form the double helix, and the various types of DNA double helix* Outlines the methods used to study DNA structure* Contains over 130 illustrations, some in full color, as well as exercises and further readings to stimulate student comprehensionReviewPraise for previous editions:"Stylish...beautifully crafted, with a logical step-by-step approach to the subject. A book from which the advanced undergraduate will benefit and which will also generate a refreshing perspective for experts"-NATURE"Understanding DNA is a great book that will surely prove to be a valuable teaching tool."-THE BIOCHEMIST"A systematic and comprehensive analysis of the structure of DNA from a wonderfully fresh perspective."-TRENDS IN GENETICS
Chapter 1 An Introduction to Molecular Biology for Non-Scientists
Chapter 2 Why a Helix?
Chapter 3 Different Kinds of Double Helix
Chapter 4 Twisting and Curving
Chapter 5 Curving in Three Dimensions
Chapter 6 DNA Supercoiling
Chapter 7 The Assembly of DNA into Chromosomes
Chapter 8 Specific DNA-Protein Interactions
Chapter 9 Methods Used to Study the Structure of DNA
Chapter 10 DNA in Disease, Diagnostics, and Medicine
Chapter 11 Cytosine Methylation and DNA Epigenetics Postscript
Appendix 1: Notes on the Derivation of Some Technical Terms
Appendix 2: The Chemical Theory of Base-stacking Interactions in DNA
Appendix 3: How to modify Gene Expression Using Anti-sense Oligonucleotides, Ribozymes or Small Interfering-RNAAnswers to Selected ExercisesIndex
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