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This blog is to distribute jntu biotech prev papers ,GRE ,IELETS BOOKS to every one.if u want to give any suggestion..mail to vagdevi2k5@gmail.com...regards P.Vagdevi,B.I.E.T(Bharat Institue)

Saturday, November 22, 2008


SET :1
1. (a) Discuss the asexual reproduction in Fungi.
(b) Write about the importance of Diatoms. [2 × 8 = 16]
2. Explain the concept of growth in plants. [16]
3. Explain the Protozoan parasite caused disease “Amoebiasis” in detail. [16]
4. Describe what is meant by the term “Transcription” of DNA? [16]
5. Explain in brief the organs and organ systems present in the human body and describe their major functions. [16]
6. Explain in detail the structure and functions of neuron. [16]
7. What is a biofuel. What are the advantages and limitations of using bio fuels?[16]
8. Discuss the advantages and limitations of food produced from genetically modified crops. [16]
SET :2
1. Briefly explain a typical eukaryotic cell characteristic. [16]
2. Taking Sugarcane as an example, discuss the biology of its pests. [16]
3. How does Fasciolopsis buski as a parasite affect man? [16]
4. Explain Griffith’s initial experiments on Transformation. [16]
5. “Cells are the living units of the body” - explain. [16]
6. Explain in detail the structure and functions of neuron. [16]
7. ‘Will medical therapies based on molecular biotechnology supersede equally effective traditional treatments’- discuss. [16]
8. What is the goal of genetic engineering in agriculture? What are the advantages of genetically modified crops. [16]
SET :3
1. Briefly explain a typical eukaryotic cell characteristic. [16]
2. (a) What is meant by alternation of generation in plants?
(b) Explain overall plant classification in brief outline. [2 × 8 =16]
3. Justify the role of reproductive barrier in the process of speciation. [16]
4. Discuss the role of restriction endonucleases in recombinant DNA technology. [16]
5. Explain in brief the organs and organ systems present in the human body and describe their major functions. [16]
6. Write short notes on:
(a) Retina
(b) Mechanism of hearing
(c) Microscopic features and anatomy of smell
(d) Functional anatomy of tongue for taste. [4x4= 16]
7. Define biotechnology and explain the areas of interest in Biotechnology. [16]
8. ‘Some genetically engineered organisms are harmful either to other organisms or to environment’- Discuss. [16]
SET :4
1. Write a short note on biodiversity. [16]
2. Taking Sugarcane as an example, discuss the biology of its pests. [16]
3. (a) Differentiate Allopatric and Sympatric speciation.(b) What are “pre” and “post”zygotic mechanisms of reproductive barrier?[2×8=16]
4. What is meant by(a) Complementary base pairing(b) DNA polymerases. [2×8=16]
5. What are the major formed elements in the blood and explain their functions. [16]
6. Explain in detail the structure and functions of neuron. [16]
7. Discuss some important medicinal plants that are useful for production of drugs for some major diseases. [16]
8. What is genetic engineering? Discuss the applications of genetic engineering. [16]

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