SET : 1
1. Describe the phase of cell cycle and the events that 0ccur in each. Name the important phases that check cell cycle progression.
2. Write short notes on any two of the following viruses as causative agents for human cancer :
a) Hepatitis B virus
b) SV 40
c) Adenovirus
d) Papilloma virus.
3. P53 is designated as the guardian of the genome. Support the concept.
4. Discuss the role of different environmental substances as causative agents of cancers providing some specific examples.
5. What are ionizing radiations and what type of damages could they produce in the DNA molecule? Discuss in detail.Correlate DNA damage with carcinogenesis.
6. The international comparison of clinical staging is standardized in 1959 under “TNM” system. Explain in detail the method followed in staging the cancer by the TNM method.
7. What is the main difference between normal Radiographic Imaging and Magnetic Resonance Imaging? Which is superior in diagnosis and why?
8. What are alkylating drugs? What is their basic mechanism of action to suppress or kill cancer cells? Name some of the most commonly used drugs of this category mentioning their specificity against selected cancers.
SET : 2
1. Describe the phases of cell cycle and the events that occur in each. Name the important phases that check cell cycle progression.
2. Mutation in proto oncogenes that change them to oncogenes are dominant. Provide a correct explanation with suitable examples.
3. Describe the function of the normal Rb gene in controlling cell cycle progression.
4. Describe the tests commonly used in screening chemicals for their carcinogenic potentials.
5. Briefly discuss the different agents that could be possible carcinogens.
Mention the source of these agents that enter human environment.
In general, what biological effects can these agents cause?
6. The American Cancer Society has listed some very common warning signals as cautions. List these signals. Why is it important to check for these signals? Discuss.
7. Enumerate the different biopsy techniques with reference to their specific usefulness.
8. What is the basis of gene therapy in cancer treatment? It is expected to be more potent and specific against specific cancers – discuss this in the light of available information and trail phases of the treatment.
SET : 3
1. Describe the phases of cell cycle and the events that occur in each. Name the important phases that check cell cycle progression.
2. Name any three different types of proteins that control growth in mammalian cells.
Describe oncogenes resulting from mutations in these protein coding genes. Name the tumors they induce.
3. Which gene involvement is indicated in patient with breast and ovarian carcinomas?
Discuss in detail the mechanism controlling the induction of these cancers.
4. Name a few base analogues and the mechanism of action of mutagenesis.
5. Name the different units that measure radiation energy.
Describe the rate of release of energy and its biological effects.
6. The American Cancer Society has listed some very common warning signals as cautions. List these signals. Why is it important to check for these signals? Discuss.
7. Name the tests useful in early detection & staging of cancer. Briefly describe them.
8. Describe the different types of radiations and their sources that are used in radiotherapy for the treatment of cancers. Also describe the radiation units that measure the dose.
SET : 4
1. Enumerate in detail the pathway by which Ras protein checks cell cycle progression in response to environmental factors.
2. Write short notes on any 2 of the following oncogenes :
a) erb A
b) erb B
c) H – ras
d) Src
3. Discuss the relationship between BCL – 2 & P53 genes and how does mutation in either of them effect the normal cellular process.
4. Discuss the role of different environmental substances as causative agents of cancers providing some specific examples.
5. Briefly discuss the different agents that could be possible carcinogens.
Mention the source of these agents that enter human environment.
In general, what biological effects can these agents cause?
6. The American Cancer Society has listed some very common warning signals as cautions. List these signals. Why is it important to check for these signals? Discuss.
7. What is aspiration biopsy? Describe the techniques, its usefulness and the risk involved.
8. Cyclophosphamide (Endoxan) is the most commonly used drug, the drug of choice.
Support your answer by giving its special activity and its broad spectrum usage.
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