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This blog is to distribute jntu biotech prev papers ,GRE ,IELETS BOOKS to every one.if u want to give any suggestion..mail to vagdevi2k5@gmail.com...regards P.Vagdevi,B.I.E.T(Bharat Institue)

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Code No: RR12301 Set No.1
I B.Tech. Regular Examinations, June -2005
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
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1. Discuss the importance of plant tissue culture.
2. What is phyto-remediation? Give some examples of plants used for phyto-remediation.
3. Describe the adaptations of animals to aquatic life.
4. Write an essay on aquaculture.
5. Discuss the cell types and effector mechanisms in immune reactions.
6. What are the commonly used culture media for cell culture? And what are the
components of a typical culture medium.
7. Write any two of the following:
(a) Fungi
(b) Algae
(c) Protozoa.
8. What are bio fertilizers. Name some of the bio fertilizers and write the significance
of bio fertilizers.
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Code No: RR12301 Set No.2
I B.Tech. Regular Examinations, June -2005
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
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1. Describe the technique of plant tissue culture.
2. Describe the Agrobacterium-mediated method of genetic transformation for the
production of transgenic plants.
3. Describe in detail the structure and functions of ecosystem.
4. Write an essay on aquaculture.
5. Explain the ELISA technique for detection of antibodies produced by experimental
6. Write short notes on any two of the following:
(a) Transgenic animals
(b) Genetic engineering
(c) pure cell lines
(d) Cell culture techniques.
7. Give the general characters of algae and explain the useful and harmful effects of
8. Describe the significance of microbial enzymes with suitable examples.
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Code No: RR12301 Set No.3
I B.Tech. Regular Examinations, June -2005
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
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1. Explain the Tunica-Corpus theory.
2. Describe the economic importance of medicinal plants.
3. Describe the adaptations of animals to aquatic life.
4. Describe the environmental laws in India.
5. Explain the ELISA technique for detection of antibodies produced by experimental
6. What are the basic equipment required for cell culture laboratory. How can you
plan for a cell culture laboratory.
7. What are the locomotory organs of microorganisms and explain in detail the loco-
motion in micro organisms.
8. Describe the significance of microbial enzymes with suitable examples.
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Code No: RR12301 Set No.4
I B.Tech. Regular Examinations, June -2005
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
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1. Discuss the reproductive features of gymnosperms.
2. Describe the economic importance of medicinal plants.
3. Define species and explain in detail the process of speciation.
4. Write an essay on aquaculture.
5. Explain the parasitic diseases control methods.
6. What are the applications of genetic engineering in animal biotechnology?
7. What are the locomotory organs of microorganisms and explain in detail the loco-
motion in micro organisms.
8. What are biopesticides and the micro organisms used as bio pesticides. Add a note
on advantages and disadvantages of biopesticides.
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