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Friday, December 12, 2008


Code No: RR-222303
II B.Tech. II Semester Supplementary Examinations, Nov/Dec-2004
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
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1.a) Explain the enzyme classification with examples for each class.
b) Explain the terms apoenzyme, holoenzyme, coenzyme and prostethic group.
2.a) Explain the different methods available for enzyme purification.
b) How would you characterize an enzyme.
3.a) Discuss the application of enzymes in food, pharme and medical fields.
b) How are enzymatic assays developed? Discuss with any example.
4.a) What are the different types of inhibition.
b) Discuss briefly the kinetics of single substrate reactions and multiple substrate
5. Explain the following:
a) Allosteric regulation.
b) Deactivations of enzymes
c) Energetic of enzyme-substrate complex formation.
d) Factors affecting enzyme activity.
6. What are the different techniques used for enzyme immobilization? Comment on the
advantages and disadvantages of each of these techniques.
7. Write short notes on:
a) Applications of immobilized enzymes.
b) Uses of enzymes in different areas.
8. Comment on any TWO of the following:
a) Mass transfer effects in immobilized enzymes.
b) Biosensors
c) Applications of enzyme electrodes.
Set No.
Code No: RR-222303
II B.Tech. II Semester Supplementary Examinations, Nov/Dec-2004
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
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1.a) Discuss the six main classes of enzymes.
b) Comment on the application of enzymes in pharmaceutical industries.
2.a) Define the terms:
1. Turnover number
2. Michaelis Menton constant.
b) Discuss the different types of enzyme inhibition.
3.a) What are the different immobilization techniques that can be used for
b) Comment on the different applications of immobilized enzymes.
4. Write notes on:
a) Fluidized-bed reactors
b) Packed bed reactors.
5. What are Biosensors? Discuss their applications in different areas.
6.a) Derive the Michaalis- Menton Equation.
b) Discuss allosteric enzymes and the kinetics of allosteric enzymes.
7.a) Write a note on development of enzyme assays.
b) Discuss the different methods involved in purification of enzymes.
8. Write notes on:
a) Mechanism of enzyme action.
b) Applications of enzymes in analysis.
Set No.
Code No: RR-222303
II B.Tech. II Semester Supplementary Examinations, Nov/Dec-2004
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
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1.a) What are enzymes? How are they classified? Explain.
b) How are enzymes extracted from various sources? What precautions are required to
be taken while isolating the enzymes?
2. Explain what you understand by the following:
(a) Turnover number.
(b) Michaelis menton constant.
(c) Prosthetic group.
(d) Allosteric enzymes.
3.a) Discuss the uses of enzymes in different areas.
b) What do you understand by the terms competitive and non competitive inhibition?
4. Write short notes on:
a) End product inhibition.
b) Significance of end product inhibition in biological systems.
c) Applications of immobilized enzymes.
d) Activation energy.
5.a) Derive Michaelis Menton Equation.
b) How do the kinetics differ in the case of reactions catalyzed by allosteric enzymes.
6. Discuss the various physical and chemical techniques used for enzyme
7. Write notes on:
a) Kinetics of immobilized enzyme reactors.
b) Immobilized enzyme reactors.
8. Discuss the principle behind design of enzyme electrodes and their applications as
biosensors in different areas.
Set No.
Code No: RR-222303
II B.Tech. II Semester Supplementary Examinations, Nov/Dec-2004
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
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1.a) Comment on the applications of enzymes in different areas.
b) How can you obtain crude enzyme extracts from different sources? Discuss with
2.a) Derive the Michaelis Menton equation.
b) Discuss different types of enzyme inhibition with kinetic models.
3. Explain the following:
a) Turnover number
b) Deactivations of enzymes
c) Allosteric enzymes
d) Allosteric Regulator
4.a) Discuss the physical techniques available for enzyme immobilization.
b) Comment on the advantages and disadvantages of enzyme immobilization.
5.a) Discuss the design of immobilized enzyme reactors.
b) Discuss the mass transfer effects in immobilized enzyme systems.
6. Discuss the methods involved in enzyme purification.
7. Write notes on:
a) Development of enzyme assays.
b) Characterization of enzymes.
8.a) Design of enzyme biosensors.
b) Application of Biosensors in different areas.
Set No.

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