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This blog is to distribute jntu biotech prev papers ,GRE ,IELETS BOOKS to every one.if u want to give any suggestion..mail to vagdevi2k5@gmail.com...regards P.Vagdevi,B.I.E.T(Bharat Institue)

Friday, October 24, 2008


Code No: RR422307 Set No.1
IV B.Tech. II Semester Supplementary Examinations, June -2006
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. What are Biosensors? Give their advantages and limitations. [16]
2. Write about types of biosensors and their working mechanisms. [16]
3. What are transducers? Give their principle of working and applications. [16]
4. What are the applications of biosensors in
(a) Medicine and healthcare
(b) Agriculture and food industries. [8+8]
5. Write short notes on:
(a) Biomolecular computer
(b) Molecular wires and switches. [8+8]
6. Write about potential advantages of a biomolecular computer. [16]
7. Write in detail about the types of membranes used in biosensor constructions? [16]
8. Write short notes on the following:
(a) Piezoelectric transducers
(b) Impedimetric transducers. [8+8]
? ? ? ? ?
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Code No: RR422307 Set No.2
IV B.Tech. II Semester Supplementary Examinations, June -2006
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. Write notes on following:
(a) Biocatalyst based biosensors
(b) Bioaffinity based biosensors. [8+8]
2. Write about types of biomembranes used in biosensor construction. [16]
3. What are transducers? Give types of transducers, their principle and working
mechanisms. [16]
4. Write about the applications of biosensors in:
(a) Medicine and Healthcare
(b) Agriculture and food industries. [8+8]
5. Write the advantages of Biomolecular computer and its applications in biotechnol-
ogy fields. [16]
6. Write about applications of biosensors in
(a) Veternary
(b) Clinical chemistry. [8+8]
7. Explain the following:
(a) Mechanisms of unit assembly
(b) Molecular wires and switches. [8+8]
8. Write short notes on :
(a) Amperometric transducers
(b) Optical transducers. [8+8]
? ? ? ? ?
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Code No: RR422307 Set No.3
IV B.Tech. II Semester Supplementary Examinations, June -2006
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. Write about types of biosensors and their applications in various biological related
fields? [16]
2. Write about types of biomembranes used in construction of biosensors? [16]
3. Write about types of transducers, their working principles and applications? [16]
4. Write in brief about applications of biosensors in
(a) Veternary
(b) Clinical chemistry. [8+8]
5. How one can develop molecular arrays as memory stores in developing a biomolec-
ular computer. Explain. [16]
6. Write about the following:
(a) Mechanisms of unit assembly
(b) Molecular wires and switches. [8+8]
7. Write about the design of a biomolecular photonic computer with all its components
and function. [16]
8. Write short notes on:
(a) Amperometric transducers
(b) Optical transducers. [8+8]
? ? ? ? ?
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Code No: RR422307 Set No.4
IV B.Tech. II Semester Supplementary Examinations, June -2006
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
? ? ? ? ?
1. What are types of biomembranes that are useful in the biosensors? [16]
2. Write about types of biosensors and their applications in biotechnology related
fields. [16]
3. Write about types of transducers, their principle of working mechanism and appli-
cations. [16]
4. Write in brief about applications of biosensors in
(a) Medicine and Healthcare
(b) Agriculture and food industries. [8+8]
5. Write about the following:
(a) Biomolecular computer
(b) Molecular wires and switches. [8+8]
6. How are molecular arrays used as memory stores in developing a biomolecular
computer? [16]
7. Write about the following:
(a) Mechanisms of unit assembly
(b) Bio-Molecular Computing system. [8+8]
8. Write short notes on:
(a) Amperometric Transducers
(b) Impedimetric Transducers. [8+8]
? ? ? ? ?
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