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This blog is to distribute jntu biotech prev papers ,GRE ,IELETS BOOKS to every one.if u want to give any suggestion..mail to vagdevi2k5@gmail.com...regards P.Vagdevi,B.I.E.T(Bharat Institue)

Saturday, January 10, 2009


SET :1
1.Explain the interactions between aromatic systems with Hunter and Saunders model.
2.What are Vander Waals interactions? Describe briefly various types of Vander Waals interactions between atom. [6+10]
3.Explain the concept of phase space in molecular simulation. [16]
4.(a) What is a molecular simulation? (b) What are the purposes and uses of a computer simulation of a system of molecules? (c) What are the errors that can occur in a molecular simulation? (d) What are the approaches used to eliminate these errors?
5.What are the predictor - corrector methods? How they are different from finite difference methods of molecular dynamics simulation with continuous potential.
6.What is constraint dynamics? How is it used in molecular dynamics simulations?
7.Explain the following : (a) importance sampling (b) Monte Carlo method(c) configuration integral (d) Hamiltonian.
8.What are polymers? What are different types of polymers? What are the different types of models used in simulation of polymers? How do they differ in complexity of simulation?
SET : 2
1.Describe briefly the importance of electrostatic interactions in modeling a molecule.
2.Explain the following : (a) Lennard - Jones 12-6 potential (b) Buckingham potential (c) Lorentz-Berthelot mixing rules (d) triple-dipole correction.
3.Explain the following : (a) time average (b) ensemble average (c) hard sphere model (d) continuous model or flexible sphere model.
4.What is a block method in a molecular simulation program? Describe its use and importance in improving the molecular simulation programme.
5.(a) Explain the factors that determine the choice among different integration methods used in molecular dynamics simulation of molecules with continuous potentials. (b) What is the order of an integration method? Describe its use in moleculardynamics simulation.
6.What is constraint dynamics? How is it used in molecular dynamics simulations?
7.Derive an expression for canonical partition function of a real gas.
8.Describe the Monte Carlo simulation of rigid molecules.

SET :3
1.Describe schematically various parameters contributing to a molecular mechanics force field.
2.Describe the Van der Waals interactions between mono-atomic molecules.
3.What is a radial distribution function? Explain how such functions are used in molecular simulations.
4.What is a block method in a molecular simulation program? Describe its use and importance in improving the molecular simulation programme.
5.Describe very briefly any four integration methods used in molecular dynamics simulation of molecules with continuous potentials.
6.Explain the phenomenon of hydrodynamic vortex in molecular dynamics simulation.
7.What is Monte Carlo Simulation? Why is it called so? How is it different from molecular dynamics simulation? What kind of technique it uses?
8.Describe the Monte Carlo simulation of phase equilibria.
SET :4
1.Explain the interaction between two nitrogen molecules using point-charge electrostatic model.
2.Explain the NCC water model.
3.Explain the following :(a) expectation value(b) time average(c) probability density (d) deterministic method.
4.What is Ewald Summation method? How is it useful in a molecular simulation program.
5.What are finite difference methods? Describe any one such method used in molecular dynamics simulation.
6.What is constraint dynamics? How is it used in molecular dynamics simulations?
7.What is Monte Carlo Simulation? Why is it called so? How is it different from molecular dynamics simulation? What kind of technique it uses? [4+4+4+4]
8.What are polymers? What are different types of polymers? What are the different types of models used in simulation of polymers? How do they differ in complexity of simulation?

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